Welcome To Your Free 5-Part Marketing Training Course
Did you catch episode #2 of the Architect Marketing Show? If not, watch it here to get the context of the 2 case studies below:
Case Study #1
Booked Solid: How A Struggling Architect Generated A Steady Flow of Clients Who Appreciate Good Design And Don't Haggle Over Fees
In this interview with architect Mona Quinn, you'll discover how she:
- created a waiting list of clients for her architecture firm
- gets clients who appreciate good design and don’t ‘haggle’ over fees
- has clients “pre-sold” before they ever meet face-to-face
You'll also see the marketing materials she uses in her marketing funnel.
Bonus: Case Study #2
More Projects Than I Can Handle: Baltimore Architect Uses Simple Tactic For Free Publicity, Picks His Projects
In this interview architect Peter Twohy reveals the simple marketing strategy he has used for free publicity and more clients than he can handle:
July 1 & 2
Free Online Training Workshops:
“The Cure For Architect LEAD STARVATION”
Join us for an in-depth, 90 minute online training session on how you can ‘copy-and-paste’ the Architect Marketing System into your business.
1 Comment
cathy svercl, ra
August 12, 2014Wonderful to hear these architects speak about their business and marketing practices. Thanks for bringing this into the daylight!