Architects Marketing Live | 2-Day Intensive
(Open only to members of the Architects Marketing Academy)
23 & 24 Feb 2015
Mandalay Bay Resort
Las Vegas USA
27 & 28 Feb 2015
Mandalay Bay Resort
Las Vegas USA

Hi, Hopefully you got my email. Richard, Eric and I have blocked off two days next month to meet with you face to face - and focus directly on your marketing success in the Architects Marketing Program. Now before you quickly skim this letter, let me tell you why you must read this letter very carefully. The next 5 minutes you spend reading this letter could change your business - and your life - forever. Here's why: If you're like most firm owners, you know you need to market your practice (and work on your marketing), but you are so busy working 'in' the business that you don't have time to work 'on' the business. This is a deadly business error because it leads to 'business burn-out': doing the same thing year after year without any hope for changing the situation.
The #1 problem I see with architects' practices is that they aren't run like a real business.
Most architects have traded one boss (former employer) for another (the practice).
Here's the problem...
If you don't set aside time to work on the fundamental business foundation of your practice, you'll never get to the point where you can relax a bit and let some of the business run itself (like a real business should). To get some of the business to 'run itself', you need to think of yourself as the CEO of the business, not the designer or architect. This isn't easy, because you were never trained to act or think like a CEO. So what does the CEO of a business do? The CEO thinks of strategy - the big picture. The CEO maps out a long term plan, and then works with the team to develop action steps to get there. This kind of high level thinking is hard to do if you're running from fire to fire or email to email. That's why we want to meet with you - in person - away from all distractions of running your practice (besides the shimmering lights of Vegas).
We'll work with you directly to map out the next 12 months of your 'freedom practice' game plan.
We've chosen to meet you in Las Vegas because 1) it's warm 2) flights and hotel rooms are cheap (AMA member Bob Kreger got 3 nights at Excalibur - a 12 minute walk from our meeting venue - for $120 total). We've reserved a penthouse suite (yes, that one below) at the top of the Mandalay Bay Resort for two consecutive days - and we're saving you a spot - but it won't last long.

Now because we want this to be super valuable to you, we're limiting spots to 15 members (maybe 1 or 2 more). You might be thinking - is this going to be worth my time? Will this really help me? Can I afford to leave my practice for 3 days?
Here is a two question test to find out
(a warning: 95% of architects fail this test):
Question 1:
Do you have a clear goal for what you want to achieve in your business for 2015?
Question 2
Do you have a clear plan to achieve that goal?
A survey of Havard MBA students in 1979 showed the following:
- 84% of the students had no specific goals at all.
- 13% of the students had goals but not on paper.
- 3% of the students had clear, written goals and a plan to accomplish them.
In 1989, the interviewers again interviewed the graduates of that class. You can guess the results:
- The 13% of the class who had goals were earning, on average, twice as much as the 84% who had no goals at all.
Even more staggering...
- The 3% who had clear, written goals were earning, on average, ten times as much as the other 97% put together.
Do you agree that making goals and writing them down is critically important?
I'm sure you do. But as human beings, just because we know we should do something doesn't mean that we do it. We need something different - something more than 'just knowing' something.
That is where this 2-day "implementation program" comes in.
Imagine locking yourself in a room for two days. In that room you have three of the world's leading sales and marketing minds (no one ever accused me of being too humble). You also have a dozen other architects who are not in direct competition with you there to help you brainstorm your business success.
Everyone has ONE focus: to help you develop a plan that will SIGNIFICANTLY help you improve your practice. Not just an incremental improvement, but an improvement that will radically alter your life and the life you can provide for your family.

Architects Marketing Live Intensive Wellington (above)
Architects Marketing Live Intensive Sydney (right)

Maybe your plan will be as simple as to increase your fees – so you can work less but earn more. Maybe your plan will include a new way to explain your value so that you stand out in your market and only attract 'A Grade' prospects.
We'll show you how to do this (and make sure you have a plan to make it happen).
Maybe you'll fine tune your lead generation system so that you never need to seek out new work – so that it all comes to you. Maybe you'll put in place a simple referral system so that your entire marketing is based on referrals.
All this is possible with a clear plan.
Here's the key: you won't do this by yourself - or you already would have.
Now if you can't see how this can be a game changer for your practice, or you know there is no possible way you can make it to Vegas, there's no need to read further.
However, if anything I've written has piqued the slightest interest, read on:
Learning From Las Vegas:
(Here are 8 things you are going to DO in Vegas)
#1 Hot seats
Even a magnifying glass held over one focused spot can create fire.
For 20 minutes you will be in the ‘Hot Seat’. Bring your current selling and marketing challenges and have a room full of marketing trained architects and 4 marketing experts pour their collective wisdom in one direction to remove, dissolve or dismantle your problem.
#2 Your 30 second pitch
"Why should I hire you over all other architects?" If you can't answer this question then projects and fees are walking out the door.
You'll learn a specific structure for answering this question. You'll get dramatic and instant feedback as you craft your 30-second elevator pitch. In Sydney we had one gent who completed this task and got a standing ovation for his 30-second pitch. When done correctly, you can feel a good answer to this question. We'll reveal the 'secret ingredient' you need.
#3 Objection busting
Ever had a prospect throw you an objection and feel they were just waiting for a good answer... But you didn't have one?
Objections are coming whether you like it or not so you might as well get good at disarming them. Once again projects are walking away taking their fees to another architect if you don't have a strategy for handling objections. Richard will show you how court room lawyers break the simple structure that objections are built upon down so you can dismantle it like a bomb disposal expert and move forward to win the deal.
#4 Benefit Busting
Ever get frustrated when a prospect doesn't move ahead ...even though you explained everything in detail?
When it comes to selling services there are two languages: Client language and architect language. To land the project you need to speak "client language". And yet you probably won't even realize you can't speak CLIENT until you get to Vegas.
The problem is, as architects we know too much. The poor client is still trying to understand what ‘concept drawings’ are.
STOP – most of what you are talking about are FEATURES. You assume clients understand the value of 3D drawings and CAD (or BIM). They don't, not without getting a translation. This means they get confused and scared. Of course they won't say anything – they don’t want to look dumb.
It will take Richard 20 minutes to teach you 'client language' that transforms the way people react. You won't just see the change as we do the exercises - you'll FEEL the change (this is the secret mentioned earlier).
#5 Acing The Test – Power Questions
Imagine being able to go to your old school teacher before the exam and getting her to slip the answers into your school bag. It would be impossible to fail. Selling professional services is the same.
Most architects collect the basic requirements but never collect the ‘hot buttons’. If you know how to get the client's hot buttons then persuasion is easy. In fact they'll be practically powerless to defend against you.
Prospects will give you the answers if you ask the right questions. And we'll GIVE you the exact questions to ask to get all the intelligence you need. This is the same skill Richard teaches to police hostage negotiators (with raving reviews).
#6 Avatar/ Target Market
"Being a generalist is generally a really dumb idea." - Richard Petrie
If you had a problem with your brain would you want to go to the family doctor or the neurosurgeon? Seems obvious, but we seldom apply the same criteria when we present ourselves to others.
How many times have you said, "we do all kinds of projects from A-Z". After you meet with us, you'll never utter those words again. We'll hold your hand and help you identify your unique 'specialty'.
#7 Buddy
Owning an architecture firm can be a lonely existence. By ‘Learning From Las Vegas’ you'll form connections with a group that may support you until you retire. We'll facilitate networking and help you connect with others - people who have the same growth and marketing foundation. The New Zealand and Sydney workshop attendees found the feedback from their peers hugely valuable for a day. Let’s extend that to a career.
#8 Start your 2015 Implementation Plan
"What does money like? Money likes speed. That's the secret few know about money. Money comes to those who act fast. If you think, wonder, question, doubt, plan, meet, discuss, or in any other way drag your feet, money goes to the next person in line." — Joe Vitale
This workshop could be called a sweatshop as you'll be challenged to take action. Yes we'll help you make a plan, but truthfully that doesn't take long. The goal is to make taking action easy.
When you leave ‘The Northern Rumble’ in Las Vegas you'll walk away with a crystal clear plan you can execute. Why?
The plan will be simple and easily actionable. The plan will be based on what works for other architects around the world. The plan will be detailed enough that you'll know exactly what to do.
Maybe for the first time in your professional career you'll see how easy selling your services can be when set up right.
- You'll have a clear goal for 2015.
- You'll know HOW to get there.
- You'll have some of the work DONE already.
- You'll have clarity around WHO you want as clients and HOW to communicate to them.
- You'll have your questions answered and most of your problems removed.
23 & 24 Feb 2015
Mandalay Bay Resort
Las Vegas USA
27 & 28 Feb 2015
Mandalay Bay Resort
Las Vegas USA
Need Help? Have Questions?
800-752-4314 or +1-310-569-5916
If you are at all considering on coming - I have a special offer for you:
The "Vegas On Us" Guarantee
Come join us in Vegas. If after Day 1 you don't feel your attendance has been worth your time and investment, take the 2nd day off. We'll give you $500 in cash just for showing up - no hard feelings. We'll also reimburse your airfare, registration fee, and lodging fee.
Yes, you read that right. Vegas will be "on us".
Why am I making such a bold guarantee? Because I know there is no way on earth that will happen. I'm positive that you will come away from Vegas bursting with ideas and energy to move forward.
Here's what a few of the other attendees said about the workshops in NZ and Sydney:
- Enrico Catalano, Adelaide, Australia![]()
What I got from the one day intensive in Sydney Australia: I am willing to find & commit to my one inch wide niche (gold seam) and pursue it to the ends of the earth……. I realized that I first need to [convince myself]….. if I don’t value myself no one else will…The workshop has made me realize that my problem was that I was trying to run with only one leg i.e. my expertise as an architect. The course has shown me that there exists another leg that’s vital i.e. how I market my architectural expertise
- Craig Taylor, Sydney, Australia![]()
It was very useful to sit in a room with other architects and discuss the problems we all share and to go through marketing with an expert (albeit a kiwi!) and with String as well, he was a very good addition to the day. It was very beneficial. It was also great to meet you face to face and of course Julia, and be able to connect with you on a personal level.
- Katrina Malyn, Sydney, Australia![]()
Thank you very much for coming to Sydney and organising the workshop. It helps to meet other people and see what they do and how they approach similar issues. I was also inspired by some examples we saw today and the exercises were eye openers. I'm so glad I came!
... And because of demand, we are running 2 sessions.
The schedule:
Session 1 (SOLD OUT): Monday, February 23 & Tuesday, February 24: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. (Lunch provided)
Session 2 (spaces limited): Friday, February 27 & Saturday, February 28: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. (Lunch provided)
Getting there and accommodation:
Flights: We recommend flying in the day before the event and flying out either the night of the second day or the day after.
Accommodation: Provide your own accommodation (it's easy to find in Vegas, at all price levels; some of our members are staying at the Excalibur, an easy walk from the meeting venue, for about $50 per night). We'll be meeting in a penthouse suite at the Mandalay Bay Resort.
At the end of the ‘sweatshop’ you will be reporting to the room what your plan for 2015 is, what you are going to do and what you have already accomplished while in Vegas.
One final thing...
You need to be ok that we are going to be 100% honest with you. We'll tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear.
Is that OK?
If so join us - let's roll up our sleeves and get to work.
(Oh - by the way we'll also have a good time - there are a couple of things to do in Vegas that might be fun.)
23 & 24 Feb 2015
Mandalay Bay Resort
Las Vegas USA
27 & 28 Feb 2015
Mandalay Bay Resort
Las Vegas USA
Need Help? Have Questions?
800-752-4314 or +1-310-569-5916
The BIG Questions: Answered
How much is the investment to attend?
The early bird rate is only $297 (you’ll pay more if you wait). You’ll need to arrange your own accommodation and transport. We’ll help match members who want to share a room to reduce expenses – this could bring your lodging cost down to less than $100 TOTAL for three nights. This isn’t a ‘money-making’ scheme for us. Actually we’re taking a loss.
How many attendees are you expecting?
The group is limited to about 15 people maximum per workshop. Since we’ve already confirmed over 15 takers we’ve booked the Mandalay Bay suite for the whole week and are offering a second session on Friday and Saturday February 27 & 28.
Will all the trainers be there?
Yes. Eric, Enoch and Richard will be making the journey. Richard is flying in from New Zealand.
How do I justify this trip to my partner?
No need to justify – bring them along. Ask them what show they’d like to see when they come to Vegas.
How do I justify this trip to my business partner?
No need to justify – they should definitely be there also. This isn’t a holiday, although it will be a lot of fun.
How will the two days be run?
There will be a mix of teaching, group exercises and ‘hot seats’ – the days will be interactive and experiential.
What is a ‘hot seat’?
You will present your own personal business challenges and as a group we’ll help you find the solution(s).
Need Help? Have Questions?
800-752-4314 or +1-310-569-5916